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10 tips for more physical activity in everyday life

 10 tips for more physical activity in everyday life

10 tips for more physical activity in everyday life

Trying to exercise can be exhausting. This is the advice I give to some of my naturopathic patients...and how to maintain my mobility.

Blacksmith We all said, "Who has time to train with you..."

All you have to do is fill in the fields: working parent, night shift worker, employer, student, person on the move or a parent who stays at home to provide for the children. You're not the only one trying to figure out how to fit exercise into your day.

As a mother and a physical therapist who owns her own business, I need time for my training, I can't have it any other way.

For the past 11 years, I've just found a career that doesn't work for me. I need to take some time off every day to stay fit, healthy and strong.

Here's another tip: try adding some extra activities throughout the day and week to keep your body moving. A few extra minutes of exercise here and there really add up over time.

Here are 10 ways to get more exercise every day without wasting more time in your busy schedule!

1. to go up

I know. It's so boring, and you've heard it a million times. But one of the highest wisdoms.

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator raises the heart rate, helps with balance and improves lower core strength. If you feel dizzy and have a few minutes, you can even kick a pair of heels off the edge of the stairs to strengthen your calves or walk up the stairs twice in a row.

Skip the elevator and thank you for my body and heart.

2. Combine meetings on foot

If you work from home or switch to virtual conferencing, make one call a day.

When you're not staring at a screen watching videos, plug in your headphones, put your phone in your pocket and solve the world's problems on the go. This is a great way to spice up your everyday life.

And if you're showing up for duty, bring your own to go. Walking together strengthens the team bond and maybe better ideas will emerge. Studies show that walking increases creativity and improves mental sharpness (1, 2, 3).

3. You bump into him

I do this a lot and sometimes it gets weird, but hey, I'm a busy woman and my time is precious!

When you go shopping, try to walk between the baskets in the market while holding the cart. The cart provides a good balance point, and depending on the length of the grocery shelves, you can reach anywhere from 10 to 20 lungs in an aisle. Do it, it's incredibly fun!

4. Sit on an exercise ball

Replace your office chair with a stationary ball. It can help with back pain and improve posture, and sitting on the ball you can do gentle stretches of the neck, pelvis and spine.

Try picking up a hula hoop and bend and flex your pelvis to help work your core connections. If you want to add abdominal exercises, you can also try crunches or other ball exercises, all while at your desk!

5. Park far away

Because we need to be safe and aware of our surroundings, if you are in a safe and well-lit area, consider parking away from the gate you are traveling through. Adding a few minutes of walking here and there will add up over time and increase your daily step count!

6. More sex

That's good, hello. Some leading studies show that sex burns calories at a rate of about 3.1 calories per minute for women and about 4.2 calories for men (4.

Yes, it's not the same as intense sex, but you can sweat during sex. Play games, experiment with new situations and genres and connect more with your partner along the way.

7. Care of pets

Our local animal shelter and other adoption agencies always have volunteers to help. Bring the family home and offer to walk some dogs.

You can spend more time outside, help your dog and your community, teach your children to care for others, and yes

8. Dance party

Remove the furniture from the room and take some precautions. You can do this while you're preparing dinner, folding laundry, or vacuuming.

Dancing is a great way to burn calories and work on balance and coordination. Also, you can play a game or competition with your kids. You should know about 80's rock, right? Put on ACDC (or whatever gets your feet banging) and do some shakes.

9 game night switch

Replace the card or board games with active play for your next family game night.

Here is a list of things to do for your memory: Hide and Seek, Kick the Can, Scavenger Hunt, Spin, Dance, Potato Sack Race, Donkey Tail Ride, Music Chairs, Bench, Bungee Jump, Hula Hoop, Forget the Game. .you used to play as a kid, now it's just as fun.

Such games can be played with people of all ages both indoors and outdoors. My family had fun playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Freeze Frame Dance Party and I'm sweaty afterward.

10. Exercising or stretching while watching TV

I know this is outside of all the principles of "gluttony and momentum", but hear me out. You can walk on a treadmill, use a stationary bike, stretch on the floor, use weights to strengthen your upper and full body, or do Pilates during your next Netflix session.

If you watch a 30 minute show and move every time, that's 30 minutes of exercise like you've never done before! You can also limit when additional ones are shown, if that's a good start.

Do your exercise in your near binge-watching equipment and do some body weight exercises or even foam rolling during the show. A few exercises like biceps reps, triceps extensions, or light weight arm lifts will make a big difference in arm strength, posture, and overall well-being.

This is especially true in women at risk of developing osteoporosis. Incorporate strength training into your routine to keep your bones healthy and strong (5).

The last issue

I hope these thoughts inspire you and motivate you to get up and move a little during the day.

I know how hard it is to maintain a good routine. It can seem confusing when you first start exercising, but some of the following will help.

Start by adding a few swings here and there, meet once a week, or take the stairs a few times, and before you know it, you'll be moving and dancing more than you ever have before.
